Thursday, February 25, 2010

To Begin...

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jennifer Thompson. I was born and raised in southern California, but now live in North Carolina (more on that later). I have been married for 8 years to a man that I've had a crush on since 9th grade. We are in the midst of losing our minds raising two young children - Zachary who is 3, and Rebekah who is 1 (FYI - we've chosen to raise them in their respective stereotypical gender roles). I stay at home full-time to take care of the kids, and my husband works full time to ensure our survival!

I am by no means a political pro, and I have never claimed to be...although I do enjoy knowing that I'm right most of the time! Hehehe. I'd like to say I've never had a liberal thought in my life, but alas, I was convinced that a "free store" would solve everyone's problems...when I was five years old. Thankfully, I saw the light, and have been on the conservative straight and narrow ever since. Call me a liberal, and I will be forced to use my martial arts skills on you. Don't call me a Republican either - the Republican party, to me, is like that annoying relative that you always have to invite to family gatherings - you put up with them because they're family, but you don't have much in common. I am a conservative. I want limited government, personal responsibility, low taxes, and a balanced budget. No, I don't think that is too much to ask.

I am a Christian. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and the government needs to respect that. I am pro-life. I will teach my children about the literal 7 day creation of the universe. I did not vote for President Obama, and I am appalled at the Socialist road he is forcing this country down. I've been told that as a Christian, I should pray for Obama. To be honest, I do pray for him - I pray that his presidency will fail miserably, that his policies will not stand, that he won't get elected to a second term, and I do pray that he will have a change of heart. But I'm not holding my breath on that last one.

Anyway, I hope that gives you a better idea of who I am and where I'm coming from. This blog is just my view of current events and politics. I encourage you to participate - let me know what you think, tell me what you agree with me on, and, if you must, what you disagree with me on. Let the fun begin!

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